TGA Minimo

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The TGA Minimo is your ideal travel companion, its compact and easily transportable so you can take it wherever you go. There is no need to remove anything for transportation all you have to do is press the red foot pedal and you’re left with a compact unit which weighs 28kg. The lithium battery is extremely lightweight at 2.8kg and is suitable for air travel. If you’re looking to go further afield you can upgrade to the long range battery.

TGA Minimo features

With its simple folding mechanism the Minimo is the ideal scooter whether your shopping or on holiday. The compact chassis has a tight turning circle whilst still offering a good ground clearance for when you’re out and about. Puncture proof tyres give you peace of mind when you’re outside. Plus the intuitive controls are easy to operate so you’ll not be left puzzling over lots of buttons. The tiller adjustable tiller and armrests allow you to fit the Minimo to you for the ideal position.

Folded dimensions HxLxW  44.5cm x 84cm x 54cm

Available to purchase privately or lease through the Motability scheme.

Additional information

User Weight Capacity

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