Book an Assessment

Are you...

Buying your first wheelchair?

There are so many options and things to consider, it can be bewildering. We'll help you find the right one to regain your confidence, independence and freedom.

Uncomfortable in your current chair?

Bad posture from a poorly-fitted wheelchair can cause all sorts of problems, from aches and pains to difficulty breathing and moving around. We can pinpoint what's making you uncomfortable and how to fix it.

Looking for something new?

Your body and lifestyle can change over time. An assessment will make sure your new wheelchair or scooter fits just right, and fix any postural problems that might be developing.

Working with an insurance claim?

We'll give your client a full assessment, provide a report for the insurance case, and can recommend a range of mobility aids to suit their needs.

Book Now

    Please enter your own name, even if the assessment is for someone else.

    Your phone number or email address.

    Where would you like the assessment done?

    Please don't put this in your calendar just yet - we'll contact you to confirm.